I have a garage in a block with one of my properties. There are 36 garages, in 12 "trios", being grouped in threes. There is typical asbestos roofing, in very good condition. Tenant is convinced, however, that a leak of some kind is causing marks on his little MX5 which he keeps in there. There is a kind of whitish splashing on the wing of the car. Not seen it before, no idea what it is.
My handyman has already put some black bitumen-type paint on the roof in that general area of the roof. Re-roofing would be expensive, we'd all have to agree on a solution (three of us), and I am far from sure there is a leak anyway! Anyone seen this? Any ideas for "tarpaulin" type repair, "elastoplast" type patch or anything? I was wondering whether to put some kind of "plaster" on the underside of the garage roof with some "glue" of some kind?