Hi Guys - I am in urgent need of advice in relation to 2 teeth; I had radiotherapy on my nose in 2012 for 6 weeks and chemo for 6 weeks. I learned too late that there were other alternatives. I completely changed my diet just after treatment started so I have been juicing and not eating meat, dairy or sugar since then, or only when i have no choice. My side front tooth has cracked in half and has halted or reverse decay, i think what fell of was a filling. I have a back tooth that is getting sensitive. They extracted 3 chewing teeth just prior to chemo/radio so I only have a few teeth to chew with. I have had an xray and my Cancer specialist dentist wants me to have root canal on both, she doesn't believe in Caps as she doesn't want to file the tooth down as in her experience the cap will break off. Please can anyone advise me what to do as I thought root canals were bad so I refused treatment she then offered amalgam fillings (in the front too!) as she said the "NHS has done trials and is now putting metal fillings back in as white fillings are too damaging for teeth?" I thought amalgam fillings were toxic but she insists new NHS guidelines say not. The nurse in the room said she had all her white fillings taken out and amalgam put in - I only went to see what the damage was. I refused that too. My toothpaste is fluoride free.