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Welsh Corgi

Recommendations & Reviews

About us

Welcome to the Welsh Corgi community page, a place to celebrate our low-riding, big-eared, fantastic friends and family members!

The page is intended for the sharing and enjoyment of Corgis as companions and family members and is not a forum for contentious arguments about breeding vs. rescue/adoption. Responsible dog ownership is strongly encouraged. Spamming, trolling and flaming -- as well as the use of foul language -- are subject to administrators' decisions on banning, for the sake of the wider community's peaceful enjoyment of the page and safety for readers of all ages.

If you have any grievance to air regarding content of the page (or any other policy), please contact a page administrator so that your concerns can be addressed promptly and directly.

Corgi On!

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from March 9, 2015
    Facebook reviewer avatar
    View full conversation on Facebook
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  • Veterinarianx

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