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Teensy Tooth - Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces and Jewelry

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Baltic amber is a fossilized tree resin that contains some of the highest concentrations of Succinic Acid found in nature. When worn as jewelry, body heat warms and releases natural oils containing Succinic Acid from the amber. These oils are then absorbed through the skin. The benefits of Succinic Acid on the body include: pain relief, improved immunity and energy, and aiding in the balance of acids.

Baltic amber has been used for hundreds of years for teething pain relief in Europe. You can think of it as a natural Ibuprofen. Baltic amber teething necklaces and anklets are not for chewing! Simply wearing one provides the teething pain relief.

As long as the amber is cared for properly, it can last a lifetime. This includes keeping it from chemicals by removing it at bath time, while swimming, and before applying any lotions, sunscreens, etc. To clean use warm water and a soft cloth.

Melissa Poettcker
403 885 4402

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  • Referral from February 23, 2016
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  • Referral from September 30, 2015
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