hi guys want to quit smoking and want to go on zyban but need a script we not jet on medical aid so need a cheap doctor just to do the scrip any referral please?
Jacqueline L. replied:
No such thing as medical aid here, but you'll get lots of support on stopping smoking. http://www.quit.org.nz/
Marlise E. replied:
Register on Quitline, you get subsidized patches and gum. Good luck
Justin M. replied:
....it doesn't work. If you want to quit, then quit. It takes will power.
Vinnie V. replied:
You a smoker Justin? It helps control the cravings... Its easier breaking a heroin addiction than nicotein, these are just aids to the process, obviously they want to quit hence why they are seeking help to do it...
Shereen O. replied:
Justin, for some of us smoking for over 30 yrs it's damn hard, I'm not an inhaler just a puffer and once my Courtleigh smokes are finished, I will go onto my e cigarette as I'm not prepared to buy cigs here. I got do the right thing now and try and quit gradually, day by day. Back in SA we could smoke in our homes, but here it's another stororoz. Since my arrival on Wednesday, I've being smoking one cig in 3 installments...lol Micheal and Yolande all the best guys.... Update us on the progress on whichever item you use.
Seshnee P. replied:
Where in NZ are you? And champix is a better option than Zyban, Zyban was originally used as an anti depressant, quitting smoking was a side effect
Monique C. replied:
Go on the smokefree internet site. Its fully subsidised. We quit smoking about three years ago. We got the patches and the gum for $5. Thats gow we did it. Not sure exactly what we used but it worked.