Miss being on a forum for DID. Anyone got any suggestions?
Carolyn S. replied:
If you email us info@pods-online.org.uk we can send you a copy of our guidelines for posting and then you can see if it's what you're looking for.
Carolyn S. replied:
Hi everyone. PODS runs a closed forum for 'Friends of PODS'. It has a particular ethos which is not to everyone's liking but trying to please everyone is impossible so we are just trying to provide one particular experience whilst recognising that other forums provide others. Ours is focused on promoting recovery and is for people to post just from their adult states - not because we don't value or recognise developmentally 'younger' parts of the personality but simply because that is available elsewhere if that's what people want and because we are choosing to focus on one aspect of life with DID ('recovery' or improved quality of life) rather than others. We keep it closed to 'Friends' to keep it safe or at least safer and to avoid some of the difficulties forums can run into when there is total anonymity. It's just one way of doing things and the way that has mostly worked for us so far, although it's not without its challenges. As a Friend of PODS there are other benefits too such as three editions per year of the printed version of our magazine 'Multiple Parts' and discounts on training days. More info at www.pods-online.org.uk.