Does anyone know any good dog trainers specifically for dogs that are reactive? I have a large St Bernard, and he is such a sweetheart and the biggest cuddle bug. However he is reactive on walks when he sees other dogs and now people. He has high anxiety and he is not confident. We have tried “on leash” training before but it was really not that helpful except for identifying his anxiety and insecurity. Just hoping that anyone in Calgary (or the surrounding areas) know of anyone or place.
senecant replied:
I foster reactive dogs. (one at a time, obviously) I've had training help from [Cindy Peacock]( and am currently getting consultation from [Cat Harbord]( for my current dog. I'd give each of them a very strong recommendation for reactive dogs. I've been able to work up to comfortably bringing each of my reactive dogs to Cold Garden (a brew pub that allows dogs, if you're not familiar). My most dog-reactive dog ever has now even adopted her own little dog! The degree of success can vary, but I have found that every dog I've worked with has been able to overcome most of their challenges.
thedwightkshrute replied:
We went to see Cat at ImPAWSible Possible a few years ago and our experience was wonderful.