Attention everyone - please respond if you have had a similar experience or can recommend a helpful doc. Thanks in advance for helping this mama out!
Anonymous asks: "A few months ago I found a lump on one of my breasts and at the time decided to do nothing about it because my mom had something very similar that turned out to be benign and I didn't want to interrupt breastfeeding (my little one was only a month or 2 old at the time). I also had a mammogram at that time and they said it looked benign. Now I'm concerned it has gotten bigger and thinking I need to get it removed, but I still want to be able to breastfeed my little one. Has anyone had any experience with this or know any doctors or surgeons that really advocate for breastfeeding and will do whatever possible to preserve what they can? I just want to find a doctor that "understands". Please help, I'm not sure where to begin."