Maid/cleaning service Can anyone recommend a maid/house-cleaning service? I have used Molly maids but they are $$$ for what we need.
TooOldToBeHere replied:
i use Crystal Angel Cleaning Service. 281-922-0044. They are based out of Pasadena. They are inexpensive and do a great job. Also, they have different people come which I prefer. I've had problems when I hire a specific person, after about 6 months or so they start slacking off. I have 2 large hairy dogs as well as a few kids, so I want people who do a good job without me having to nag them. These ladies are always on time and have never broken things - other problems I've had in the past.
You should try Crystal Angel cleaning and see what they have available in your area. they are awesome....they clean EVERYTHING including dusting the liquor!
Does anyone have a really good cleaning service or person? Looking for someone at a good price, too! Thanks!
Erge E. replied:
we used Crystal Angel Cleaning Service and were happy with them. Linda is the owner: (281) 922-0044 (paid $80 every two weeks for about 3000 sqft house)