Attorney Needed Florida: Looking for a GREAT attorney in Manatee County, Florida that knows Domestic Violence with child custody issues.
One B. replied:
These are our Florida recommended attorneys: Lisa Baird 10271 SW 72 nd St, Suite 103, Miami, FL 33173 Quote from referring source: “Lisa was unbelievably skillful in exposing my husband, paving the way for me to get full parental responsibility of my son.” Miami – Dade and Broward counties Nancy Weber 1217 Mount Vernon Street, Orlando, FL 32803 (305) Quote from referring source: Nancy was actually a substitute counsel for me when my primary attorney had medical issues, and I was actually happier with her than with my primary attorney. She really understood the kind of person I was dealing with and did a terrifically skillful job using his grandiose self-image against him and exposing his lies to the court. The final judgment gave me everything I was asking for and even said “The former wife is in good mental and physical health,” and “The former husband is in good physical health.” Ha! My ex is not officially diagnosed with a personality disorder but she made it clear to the judge that he isn’t all there, without my ex even realizing it. My venue has been changed, but were I still in Orange County I would retain her in a heartbeat.