Just moved here and we are looking for: a great pediatrician, vet, dentist, babysitter, and pet sitter.... We are downtown. Thank you in advance.
Angela S. replied:
Best pediatrician is Dr. Kathleen Ballard. Best dentist Prescott Modern Dentistry, they have an affiliated kids dental office in the adjacent office, that is also great. We switched there from Kidzaam. Loved Kidzaam, but my daughter is autistic, and Every Kid's Dentist was a better fit. http://www.prescottmoderndentistry.com/?gclid=CJnv-fK2 mL0CFclDMgodiEEAkg&owl_ct=75&s_kwcid=AL%214003%213%2137443116790%21 p%21%21 g%21%21 dentist&ef_id=Uc8WbwAAAZHKBtwR%3A20140317013514%3As I highly recommend Prescott Animal Hospital too. Might be the only vet office I have ever been to that doesn't overcharge or run unnecessary tests. I can't help with the pet sitter, or the baby sitter exactly, but you should check out Go Bananas, if you have little ones. You can drop off for 2 hours during their regular hours, as long as you stay nearby, but on Friday and Saturday nights they do a parents night out from 5-9 pm. $20 bucks for the first kid and $5 for each sibling. Smoking deal, and very good care. The kids LOVE it there. Only problem is they never want to leave.