Tough day Brett Maginley with a fractured scapula after a a bad cross check at ISP during his game. Looks like 4 to 6 weeks. Looking for a good orthopedist who specializes in sports injuries in the Morris County area.
Can anybody recommend a reallllly good orthopedic doctor that understands dancers and athletes asap. Back to calling 100 doctor offices. "DO YOU ACCEPT AETNA?" " No we dont" I hang up the phone.....SMH
Anyone have a good orthopedist they could recommend? I think I might have torn my rotator cuff :(
Alexandra D. replied:
sorry about that Kerry, I had surgery last May and still in PT, my Ortho is Dr. Andrew Hutter since I came to USA 12 years ago and I really like and trust him, the practice is big and also I know Dr Matthew Zornitzer his speciality is shoulders and upper extremetites , best of luck , here is the link