I am looking for feedback on the list of archetypes that players can chose from for the Zombie vs Archetype game next month. The plan is to have 20ish players max. Below are 20ish archetypes that I am considering. Thoughts and suggestions? There are so many archetypes to choose from that I am sure I have missed some awesome ones. Which ones would you swap out?
The Cheerleader
The Mall Cop
The Comic Book Store Guy
The Vietnam (Korean) Vet
The Priest (or Nun)
The Homeless Person (The Drunk)
The Punk
The Escaped Convict
The Sexpot
The Larper (or SCAdian)
The Pregnant Lady
The Prepper
The Science Geek
The Child (played by a child)
The Doctor (or Nurse) The Drill Sergeant
The Senior Citizen
The Sexpot
The MacGyver
The Hippy
The Jock
The Redneck