cable recommendation I have a collection of network cables - guessing mostly cat5 - that I've accumulated over the years. Bought some here, there, everywhere. Last night, I was having problems accessing a box I was setting up and the problem was the cable.
I'd like to replace my cables with good quality ones. I have a rack with a few servers, nas, etc. The rack is 7 feet tall (I think). Overkill for my needs, but got it for $15 from an auction.
I will be setting up a separate network for some devices in the near future. It would also be nice to color-code my cables. Right now, I have orange, blue, grey, yellow and a few other cables. Did I mention they are various sizes and the current wiring job is a mess? Would also want to get cables of various lengths to try to avoid the rats nest I currently have.
Where is a good place to get cables? What type are recommended?
Consistently-Broke replied: Invest in cat 6 Edit: you can also look at
Where's the cheapest place to get speaker wire? I'm looking for about 400 feet and don't want to spend very much if possible.
Dane G. replied:
I buy all of my wire and connections for installs wholesale from which is Canadian distributor for This is likely your best deal even when shipping is added. COme talk to me and we can look into it local and by order.