Anyone have any recommendations for a naturopath in Santa Rosa (or Sonoma County)? Regards,
I use Dr. Moses Goldberg , The Integrative medical Clinic, 175 Concourse Blvd., Santa Rosa 95403. Tel: 707 284 9200, extension 213. I am satisfied with him, and he was very helpful when my husband was seriously ill. He tends to "think outside the box", and listens to what you have to say. Dee cope
I'm looking for an MD pediatrician for a patient who is holistically oriented; she isn't vaccinating her kids and wants someone who won't give her grief about it. Thanks.
I would strongly second Randy's recommendation of Sunjya. Another good Santa Rosa resource is: Moses Goldberg ND Integrative Medical Center of Santa Rosa 175 Concourse Blvd., Suite B Santa Rosa CA 95403 (707) 284-9200 x213 docmosesnd@... www.docmoses.com Be well, Stephen