Looking for a photographer.
I don't really have a camera adequate to take good photos of insects closeup for my business website or advertising purposes. Would anyone be interested in doing this for me? The best I could do is give them photo credit, link back to their own page or store, unique album with their name, etc.. In fact, adding your info or watermarking the photo would be just fine. Here are the insects/arthropods that I need photos of:
Spiders, brown widow, black widow, brown recluse, fleas, termites, native and formosan, silverfish, asian roach, german roach, american and smoky brown roach, other roaches, roach parasitoid, earwig, bedbug, mosquito, pantry pests, moths, clothes moth, grain moth, maggot, drain fly, drosophila, ... probably a few others that I am not thinking about.