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Abe's Adventure

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This is the story of a little boy who needs your help with his Adventure to America, to help him walk...

Two year old Abe Astur from Winchester was diagnosed in April 2012 with Spastic Diplegia, a form of Cerebral Palsy. This condition causes very tight muscles (spasticity) in his legs which means he cannot stand or walk without assistance. Although Abe was a premature baby and his parents were aware he might encounter health issues, this diagnosis was a massive shock. They still don’t know what his future will hold or if he will ever be able to walk independently. Despite his physical challenges, Abe is a bright little boy, who is very determined but becomes frustrated when his friends are running around at the park. He just wants to join in and do all the things they take for granted.

Without intervention, Abe's condition is unlikely to improve. Spasticity adversely affects muscles and joints of the extremities, causing abnormal movements, and is especially harmful in growing children. To improve Abe's long term mobility and reduce the likelihood of associated deformities Gavin and Leigh would like Abe to have Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) surgery.

Gavin and Leigh have created a website as they must raise £50,000 to cover the cost of specialist surgery in the US followed by intensive physiotherapy.

More information on Abe’s condition, SDR and the campaign to help him can be found on www.abes-adventure.co.uk

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