Calling members from Chingford and Leytonstone!
We don't think we have enough dog-friendly businesses on our website in these areas. Would anyone like to volunteer to visit local cafes, pubs and other businesses?
You would need to ask if they are dog friendly and if they'd like to appear on our website directory - if it's a yes then you can offer them one of our 'paw-friendly' window stickers too. It would be great to get the directory as chunky and useful possible.
I live in Leytonstone...and have a custom tattoo studio and art gallery Artefacto London we allow dogs at our events such as art openings, talks etc...but cannot when we are working tattooing,,,,for hygiene reasons.... I will check with local businesses though and feedback. I can defo confirm that The Wanstead Tap is most definitely dog friendly...and a lovely place near dog walking heaven... and is on the borders of leytonstone near Cann Hall Rd....and a bit passed it is technically Forest Gate i guess.
Leticia V. replied:
Marita, the Wanstead Tap is near Jubilee Ponds...(there is also a dog groomers right there by the playground- though have never used it so cant say how it is) it all can walk from Hollow Ponds across the subway pass to Bishwood entrance by Henry Maynard Park and go through Bush Wood wooded area and onto the Flats (by football fields) then cross Lake rd (i think) to Jubilee Pond and then at the Hollytree(or bush?) turn right and as soon as you see the overground pass you turn right again and its right there, its in one of the railway arches. They are super dog friendly... Though I have never taken them at night... They do a supper club with one of the MAster Chef guys that I hear is great but havent been yet though i go to film screenings as well as gigs there too at night just never with the dogs. But i do the walk first (i live nearer) and then go when theyre tired to have a drink,coffee or what not.. They are a microbrewery so you can buy brews, also organic wines and ciders etc. Yumm. You can also drive to the area and do many different walks including wanstead park and various ones through out the Flats and then come back for the drink...x.
Probably a silly question, but is there a shop somewhere local that sells a good selection of the different craft beers brewed locally - Wildcard, East London, etc etc?
Thanks in advance...