Play as you focus Focus as you balance Balance as you strengthen Strengthen as you stretch & Stretch as you play !
By yourself or with a partner discover the ease, grace and pure joy of full body movement upon a balance board. As you move with the circle of motion under your feet you can very quickly get out of your head and tune into your body’s innate and natural fluidity and rhythm -- which feels (and is) fantastic, in all sorts of ways, for your brain, your body & your balance!
Balance Boards are available to: BUY Choose from a wide variety of styles, sizes and materials
BORROW Rent one, some or an entire set for your next celebration, retreat, class or event
BUILD Design and help build your own balance board in one of our balance board building workshops -- for individuals, families, groups and classrooms
Private and small group movement classes and demos are available as well to learn about the multitude of ways to use our boards and how they can easily be integrated into your regular routines -- where you and your family live, work and learn.
I'm looking to purchase a balance board for an adult-- the kind that is round and rocky (half circle) on the bottom and then flat across on the top-- to stand on and rock side to side. Anyone know someone who makes/sell these?