Hey dear Expats :)
Can you please recommend me some great place where you can drink a really good coffee on Sundays? It will be cool if it's more like a place with nice atmosphere and music for the afternoon.
Any recommendations and opinions are welcome...
Sandra Y. replied:
Then you might want to check out www.ciaociao.nl it's next to the hofvijver.
My visitors would like to visit the Hague. Can anyone please recommend choices of yummy food restaurants in the center and along the beach in Scheveningen? Thank you!!!
Sandra Y. replied:
www.littlev.nl, www.southofhouston.nl, www.ciaociao.nl, www.wox.nl, www.burgerz.nl, http://www.cafegeorge.nl/george-den-haag just to name a few.
Can anyone recommend me a nice, cozy cafe, where you can enjoy coffee or a glass of wine and chat with a friend? A sofa would be plus but not a necessity and it should be open at least till 19.30.
Thanks in advance :)