Maltese, French Poodle & Yorkie Rescue of South Africa is a dog shelter for all little fluffies looking for homes as well as lost & found small to midsize dogs. We are situated at 22 Summt road, Blue Hills, Midrand. Please visit us to meet our dogs, volunteer or adopting. If you cannot adopt, please consider donating or paying directly towards our veterinary bills -
Nedbank PAYU Account Account No 1142786927 Cresta brand code 191305 Please mail proof of payment to
Hi all, I am looking for someone who has a male Maltese poodle, mine is on heat, would love for her to have puppies
Anna-Marie Z. replied:
Nicolette Louise Reynecke you have a miss conseption of the dogs up for adoption at Rescue Centres because there are many breed sepecific Rescue centres with puppies for adoption all over Jhb. The best feeling in the world is to safe a dogs life you know that will be put to sleep. There is a Maltese Rescue as well