If anyone has any links to peer-reviewed articles on veganism and breastfeeding and also veganism and child development- I would appreciate it. My husband is omni and barely tolerated my vegetarianism while pregnant and nursing. Last night he told me that he is not comfortable with my continuing veganism (after Veganuary) until I stop nursing. Our daughter is only 6 months old and I hope to let her wean herself so this could be a year or two. He also said he is not comfortable with us raising her as vegan because of "unknown risks or developmental issues". I am hoping to get some information that he would find valid in the hopes of being able to continue this lifestyle. I would be very sad otherwise. Also, he's truly a fabulous guy- just uninformed and wants the best for his daughter. I can't blame him for his skepticism when I have friends and family who are medical doctors who still ask me "where do you get your protein?".