We are a group of parents and educators who meet monthly month to share all we know about baby carriers with new and experienced parents, to support each other and just to have fun! Our meetings are led by experienced and trained babywearing leaders as well as experienced mama volunteers. Our meetings are open to all and are daddy, grandma and big sibling friendly. We have a carrier lending library. For a small fee ($10 for most carriers, higher for a select few carriers) you can check out slings, wraps and more for a full month to help you better decide what works for you. get more info and join our community at www.facebook.com/sarasotababywearing Our Monthly Meeting:
*1st Wednesday at Rosemary Birthing Home in Downtown Sarasota (810 Central avenue, meeting at the yoga studio) from 10am-12p
please come by, drop in for a few minutes, or stay a while!
call 941-539-0018 for more info or to ask questions.
Is there a store in the Sarasota area that sells Tula's? I've looked online and can't find anything. I thought maybe someone here would know. Thanks!! ☺️☺️☺️