LOOKING FOR - Trimmer, Trash Hauler, Pressure Washer, and a Painter to provide quotes in Carrollton, Georgia -
1. Someone to trim bushes in front of my house - may need a small ladder to get to top of bushes... prefer someone with experience in trimming bushes - MUST have own equipment and clean up trimmings afterwards. See picture - bushes have grown some more since this picture, but not too far off)
2. someone to haul off some trash - old tires, old bikes, boxes (not pictured), dish washer (not pictured) etc (will need a bigger bed truck - not a little one) The junk in the back (see picture) is stuff left over from previous people living here. May need gloves.
3. A quote on someone to pressure wash my house (especially around the windows) Needs a good washing :)
4. Quote on someone to paint the front porch steps (at least the white parts of the steps)