Seeking any info or referrals for programs, groups, or counselors for support to quit smoking. I've begged my husband for 17 years to stop and I'm honestly at my wit's end. He sounds like he's dying when he's asleep and he can't do anything without coughing. Gum hasn't worked, vaping hasn't worked, anti-depressants haven't worked, Chantix made him a lunatic, and cold turkey isn't an option when there's no will power involved. We have spoken to his Dr but meds were the only suggestion. Is there some sort of support group here on fb or in Sussex County where people get together and encourage each other to stop? I know it sounds super lame in our current society to look for help for someone who's only addicted to cigarettes, but I lost my father to lung disease and I don't want to lose my husband and for my kids to lose their dad too. Any info is greatly appreciated.