Looking to get an old leaded window repaired. Any recommendations out there?
Alicia M. replied:
We bought an old house with all original Windows and I want to restore rather than replace and found this woman! Not sure if she can help-- but I would start there! It was a bit pricey for full restoration, but they take entire window out, reglaze, and a ton of other things. http://www.window-woman-ne.com/
Good afternoon everyone. Peter and I are in need of someone that fixes old windows. Not the glass, but the locks and pulleys and operational pieces. Hard to find these people :(
We have some windows we cannot open at all.
Thank you for your help !
Katy B. replied:
Window Woman of New England, restores old windows--did a fabulous job on my friends painted shut old window http://www.window-woman-ne.com/