Hi guys!
Someone posted this to a Vegan Community page asking for help. They didn't know what to do or where to go. Could we maybe round up some funds so they can take the kitty in to the vet today? I told them to go to Alta Vista since they are open late and are not emergency rates. They will also take phone donations.
The finders are in Mesa.
This is the post:
Does anyone know a low cost or probono vet for rescued stray cats. He had a 12+ inch piece of tarp coming out of his rectum, that i snipped,i brought him into my bathroom to make sure he would be ok, it looks like hes pulled out a few more inches but he seems to be in so much pain he cant even lick his bum anymore. I dont know what to do, if i had ANY money id take him in right now but i dont. not even $100. He such a sweet boy and has always been very grateful for the care he's gotten since he stumbled into our backyard. He's a kisser and lover. My family is going to be heartbroken. Please any info helps
Jeni Pace