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Jimmy Christie Classic ROCK 'n ROLL BAND

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About us

....................................................Jimmy Christie


..........................Citizens of the World ~ based in Bayonne

....................................A Brief Biographical Sketch

My music interest began to formally gel in 1960 in St. Andrew’s Kindergarten on 4th Street. I knew all the cartoon and tv commercial jingles by heart and all the record albums and radio songs heard at home. Sister Hyacinth was an acoustic-carrying Nun in my first few years at St. Andrew’s who also piqued my musical interest; in fact, she had me sit in the Choir Loft at St. Andrew’s Church so my little ears could truly hear the ferocity of the organ. She encouraged me to belt out the church hymns, saying “You are so quiet except when it comes time to singing. You have the gift, sing it loud because you sing it clear.” That was the first and only time that I never got “sshhh, sshhh, sshhh’d!”

By the time the Beatles arrived, I was full-on interested in playing in a band, having mastered my older sibling’s guitars and the various instruments of friends as well as our family’s upright piano. I started jamming with others who were close in age and we formed “rock ‘n roll bands” by age ten. I was and still am the Musical Director of all bands I play in.

The entire British Invasion became a major influence. During that time I formed friendships which remain intact to this day. I wound up teaching instruments to a great many of my good friends and neighbors since about age 9. Yes, that’s true!

At age 12, I performed my first paid gig, a Bayonne couple’s wedding (along with a couple of other Bayonne musicians who were 16 and 18 years old) at Pirozzi’s Wonder Bar on Broadway near 12th Street. I continue to perform these type gigs currently.

When the time for high school arrived, I was to have followed in my older brother’s footsteps to St. Peter’s Prep in Jersey City which,... show more
luckily for my music interest, did not pan out. At my Prep final interview to become a student, I was candid with the Brother when he inquired about my high school goal. I said it was to be a musician. He said, “We are not geared for that here.”

Onto Bayonne High School I went and met a lot of my peers who had great musical interests. We formed bands and lived and breathed our rock ‘n roll, impromptu jams all over the metropolitan area, from Bayonne’s Hudson County Park to Lincoln Park in Jersey City, to Gaelic Park in Brooklyn. Naturally, we took the bus to NYC and the PATH train and visited Washington Square Park to play music and to sample the New York music scene. We bought everything we needed to make music at the world-famous Manny’s Music Store in Times Square and other known places. We would walk all metro area cities and jam on any park bench we could find.

I began writing music at this time. Reflecting on my past, I came up with some all-time Bayonne greats such as THE NUN (inspired by Sister Hyacinth of St. Andrew’s) and UNCLE MILTY (the former great amusement park on First Street across from where I grew up on Seaview Court).

As a self-taught musician who began around the age of 7, I later went on to the best "music" college on the East Coast at that time, Jersey City State College. While they did NOT offer “guitar” as a major, a “piano” major was forced on me and I wound up very happy that I expanded my piano, drums, and violin in those college days.

All the songs I have written are initially for piano, then transposed to guitar, bass, drums, violin, and other instruments as needed.

As the go-to guitar teacher in Bayonne for decades, there were times that I had ten students at a clip, all the while doing gigs all weekend and other odd jobs in the hospitality industry.

I had countless gigs on the entire NYC circuit for several decades, including many dates at rather famous Greenwich Village venues such as CBGBs and Kenny’s Castaways.

As Y2K approached, I had taught and worked Bayonne gigs with nearly every Bayonne musician who has ever been onstage in Bayonne, with too many gig dates and venues to list. For your perusal, I have the pictures and press for these events!

And, on that note ♫♪ I'm out ♫♪ peace ♫♪ show more

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