A Tiny Touch Pregnancy massage is a wonderful way to ease away those aches and pains whilst helping you and your growing baby to feel pampered and relaxed, in the comfort of your own home. Tiny Touch Baby massage provides courses for parents and carers with babies and infants giving you the opportunity to learn techniques and experience the many benefits of baby massage. The courses incorporate a series of massage strokes that are easy to do and so relaxing for you both.
Tiny Touch's Certified Baby Massage Instructor can teach you how to perform this lovely bonding massage in a group course or through private one-to-one sessions. Tiny Touch is based in the beautiful Somerset countryside covering areas including Cheddar, Burnham, Highbridge, Wedmore and surrounding villages.
Thank you, Kerry! Danielle, here is a link to my page, let me know if you'd like any more information. Www.facebook.com/tinytouchpregnancyandbabymassage