Advice needed!
As a wedding transport supplier, we have been looking to attend wedding fairs, but as we have only recently set up, we have found that we cannot afford the £200+ fairs and understandably many other small businesses cannot either.
Therefore often the suppliers who can attend have more finances to support them due to having an established business and I believe that there should be a cheaper fair for newer businesses but also those who do not charge high enough prices to cover the cost of exhibiting such as ourselves.
I have now decided that we would like to run our own wedding fair in Hertfordshire at a local hall with enough room to fit around 10 or so suppliers.
To do so we would only be charging the bare minimum to cover the cost of the hall hire which would be around £12 per supplier and free entry for visitors.
If you are a supplier who would be interested in exhibiting at a fair like this, please comment below with your business page and any advice you have to offer!
And if you are a B2B or a H2B and would be likely to attend a wedding fair where there are cheaper businesses but not at a wedding venue then please comment below so we can gage interest!
Thank you in advance for any advice or replies! At the moment this is just an idea which hopefully may be able to happen in the future! :)