Looking for fruitcake. Not a joke. Does anyone know a bakery, or even a grocery store, that carries **fresh** traditional fruitcake during the holiday season? (Not the shrink-wrapped stuff that will last for 50 years.) Or if anyone knows someone that bakes traditional fruitcake, I'd be happy to pay them to bake me some fruitcake. I just want some fruitcake this year!
I used to get them at Costco, but last year the three different ones I bought all had raw dough in the middle. And the Costco ones were never that good to begin with, although they were better than nothing. Fruitcake is the bomb. Please help me find some fruitcake!
Thanks for reading, y'all. Stay safe out there.
Edit for anyone else looking for fruitcake: Parsons Bakery in Bountiful makes them in-house and sells them starting in early December. You have to order ahead of time, but it can be as little as 1-2 days in advance, just to ensure they have some when you come.
doyaloveme replied:
Pirate O’s in Draper. 700 East 11900 South Pirate-os.com
Does anyone know where I can buy "Aromat" (it is a spice in a yellow container). I used to be able to buy it at Harmons!! But have not been able to find it anymore!!
Susanne F. replied:
Oooh, yes. I like Pirate O's too. http://stores.pirate-o.com/StoreFront.bok
Edward B. replied:
Try Pirate O's in Draper. Great place for cheese as well.