Wonder if some can help. We know a family that live paycheck to paycheck. They have been saving for tires for the car there daughter is blind and goes to aIDB. She also has a medical condition that has a shunt that goes from her brain to her abdomen that it's become infected and had to have brain surgery a few days ago and is on some very high anabiotic's. She is at children's hospital she's been there for four days the money they have been saving those for Christmas and they get new tires on her moms car and unfortunately now the mom and dad are out of work never needs that money towards bills because their job does not have paid time off. The little girl has to go through another brain surgery to replace the shunt that they have had to take out that became infected. So I am wanting to help this family and anyone tell me where the best place is going to be in the cheapest place it's going to be to get a good tire not just necessarily the cheapest tire but for brand-new tires for this family I have looked around and so far I'm finding it's going to cost around $400 does anyone know a tire shop or have connections that might be able to help.