Trying to find the list of local businesses.. is there a direct link to it???
Kim C. replied:
Colleen updated this list on the site last month, if a business has a webpage, it is listed below, this might help. This list was done by searching GOOGLE – Pequannock, Pequannock Township, Township of Pequannock & Pompton Plains. No duplicates. If your business or organization is not on this list, please just let me know and I’ll add it. Pequannock www.pequannock.orgwww.hs.pequannock.orgwww.pequannocklibrary.orgwww.pv.pequannock.orgwww.pequannocktownshipea.orgwww.pequannockvalleyrotary.orghttps://www.propertytaxcard.comwww.ptcmorris.orgwww.pequannocktwpnj.policereports.us Churches & Organizations Businesses www.pequannockapplianceinc.com jQiAd…/…/pequannock+township Pequannock Business Con’t…/…/ Pompton Plains Businesses…/pequ…/5600-stefanos-pizzeria/menu/ www.pomptonplainsoralsurgery.com…/523__STATE__ROUTE__23_POMPTON…/ honda.comwww.century21…/ass…/cedar-crest-alf-pompton-plainswww.bonchienpetcare.com www.pomptonfamilydental.c om www.pomptonplainsaccountingservices.comwww.jringentreeexperts.comwww.theframedimage.comwww.firesidefurniture.com www.chancellorhs.comwww.sobigcdc.comwww.ashleyfarmsinc.comwww.gatehousegalleries.comwww.antoniettahenryphotography.comwww.smheatingandair.com www.scribblegardencafe.comwww.thehappydance.comwww.abracadabradj.comwww.headpiece.com Priceless Pets - Newark Pompton Tpk Cristo air systems - Pompton Plains Fairlamb FIT - Evans Pl. Pompton Plains http://www.truechiro.comhttp://njplaysports.comhttp://www.thelittlefoodcafe.com Dennis Coyle Landscape Designs Churches, Catholic School & Organizations This list was compiled from GOOGLE and business owners who contacted me to add their website. Not intended to solicit one business or organization over another. Updated 4/17/15
I'm new to town and looking for local pre-school recommendations. Thanks so much!
Steve M. replied:
So Big! 973-835-0044 ask for Johanna, she is the owner and will answer any questions you might have and set up a tour if you would like. The staff is great, they treat all the kids like they are their own. My 3 year old daughter learns so much there.
Any recommendations on a well-priced, clean, stimulating, and educational daycare that has long hours (at least 7:30 am - 4:30/5 pm) and takes kids as young as 12 months? Nearby or immediate surrounding towns?
Steve M. replied:
So Big 973-835-0044 talk to Johanna she's the owner and is great she will answer any questions you might have. My 3 year old daughter goes there now and loves it and has learned so much. My 3 month old son will start next month.
Looking for full day pre k school that is highly reccomended and has good focus on preparing for kindergarten (around the area or In town) if anyone can help. Thank you.
Steve M. replied:
So Big, talk to Johanna (the owner) 973-835-0044, my daughter loves it there and she has learned so much.
Hi everyone! I was wondering if you can recommend a daycare center in the area. I will be heading back to work in March and my twins will be 5 months old. Thank you!!
Steve M. replied:
So Big, talk to Johanna the owner 973-835-0044, she's great and can answer any questions you might have.
Anybody have a good recommendation on daycare in town I have a 6 month old son who may be going to daycare but need some suggestions. Location? Staffing? Ratios? Pros/cons? Price? Any info would be great
Steve M. replied:
So Big on rt23 behind Corner Stone Chapel, my 21 month old daughter has been going there since she was 6 months old and loves it. Staff is great especially in the infant room, 4-1 ratio. Rates are very reasonable compared to others we looked at. Johanna Kimberlin is the owner you can call her and ask any questions you might have, she is extremely nice and you can set up a time to visit the daycare and take a brief tour before you make a decision. Good Luck! So Big Phone # 973-835-0044