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Pro. Masters Auto Hail Center

  • Doug Nardini
  • info@promasterautohailcenter.com

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 21 Greenhorn Dr.
    Pueblo, CO 81004 (map)

About us

Pro Master’s Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) can help you fix auto dents caused by hail without causing any damage to the original manufacturer’s at $0 out of pocket cost to you. By working with Pro-Masters you will pay ZERO Deductible and NO money out of your pocket GUARANTEED. We also include a free rental car on all hail claims to insure each customer is well taken care of.

We serve the following areas: Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Canon City, Florence, Fountain, La Junta, Las Animas, Manitou Springs, U.S. Air Force Academy, Walsenburg, Fort Carson, Pueblo West, Las Animas County and zip codes - 81001, 81003, 81004, 81005, 81006, 81007, 81008.

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  • Auto Repair/Mechanicx

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