Hello out there, my name is CeCe and I live a pretty joyful life. I find my happiness lies in helping others feel special. My husband and I have four children, an amazing young adult son, a creative and spirited tween girl, a toddler - through the miracle of adoption, who lives with significant special needs and exceeds all predictions and fourth, our angel who left his hand print on our hearts forever. All four of our children have taught me something unique about finding and sharing joy. We celebrate a lot in our home. Every moment is a gift and every person we encounter, a blessing.
That is why I love what I do. Not many people can say that their job is sharing joy. When I make something special for someone and they love it, I tend to do a happy dance of sorts. Every time the tween sees me dance my joyful little jig, she says "Mom, you're SO nerdy." What she thought was a critique of my "Running Man" became the name of my business! I have been creating gifts and goodies through sewing and embroidery for several years, selling my items locally, through word of mouth and in craft fairs. I have finally taken the advice of my friends, family and customers and opened an Etsy shop in the Spring of 2014. Here's to you finding something at SewNerdyGifts that brings you joy, helps you celebrate, honors your journey or celebrates someone you love.