Recomendations wanted today: Builders, Plumbers, Mobile Nail Technicians - see posts below for details...
repost from Alice:
Anyone know a good builder please? A large tile came off our roof when we had the big storm and the builder who was going to fix it has never come back! There is a tiny hole from our loft to the sky which he said isn't a problem but we would like it fixed. Thank you.
repost from Frederique:
Hiya, can you pls post a message? I am looking for a plumber willing to come to Coneyhurst near Billingshurst to fix my non-working shower. Seems simple enough but I only get no, booked until end of January or voice mail. Anybody know someone good and reliable that can come soon and fix my shower? Thanks! Fre
repost from Lucy:
On behalf of a friend can anyone recommend an experienced mobile nail technician that covers Horsham and surrounding areas? Thank you