3317 S Church St, Burlington, NC 27215, USA Burlington, NC27215(map)
About us
After hours pet emergency hospital when the primary veterinarian is unavailable or through referral. State-of-the-art technology and years or practicing experience will provide the ultimate in after hours pet care.
Whatever you do, PLEASE stay away from All Paws Pet Emergency Hospital on Hwy70 near Huffman Mill Road in Burlington. I experienced criminal price gouging and malpractice there, confirmed by my regular veterinarians the next day. I paid $3000 for that vet to kill my cat, who had only a skin-deep laceration with straight edges (he had laid down on a piece of broken glass). Online research indicated that this is commonplace. I found outrageous cases. One client was charged hundreds of dollars for that clinic to administer a Benadryl tablet and then send her away. . My vets say it's totally worth the little bit of extra driving to get to the emergency clinic on Moreene Road in Durham or the one in Greensboro, both of which have excellent reputations, I understand.