ISO a vet near the Cypress area that we can take our Charlois bull for fertility testing. We've been driving to Navasota for all of our farm animal needs but are looking for someone more local.. anyone know of a large animal vet in the area?
I am able to foster two dogs. Where do I go to get two dogs to foster?
Assistance W. replied:
Contact Baker Veterinary Hosp. in Waller, 936-857-3207. Or go to the Old Hockley Auction Barn, or the Waller County Fair grounds. Also the Montgomery County Animal Shelter is in desperate need of fosters. Also try Their info is on their page.
Hey I'm a Girl scout down in Galveston county and I was wondering if anyone on this page would know a animal shelter that would need donations. Because I'm working on my silver award and I really care about animals and I am hoping to become a vet so I though helping animals where the fires are would be a good idea.
Sheryl F. replied:
Baker vet clinic 936 857-3207 they are very business if they don't answer keep trying or look up their address and just show up. They are going around feeding all the animals that people had to leave. Also the Waller County Fair grounds are houseing dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, pigs etc... Good Luck! and thank you so much for helping us out.