Our Centre prides itself on having developed an expertise in the delivery of individualized early intervention programs for children with a broad variety of special needs. The blend of typically developing children with children who have special needs creates learning opportunities rarely found elsewhere.
Our team of trained and experienced educators bring quality to the care and program that your child receives. The staff is committed to creating an environment that encourages learning, creativity, growth and fun. Our day includes songs and stories, nutritious lunches and snacks, outdoor play, music, art, adaptive equipment like our snoezelen rooms and soft play areas, computer technologies, integrated play sessions and more.
Program Plans are designed using an interdisciplinary approach to early childhood intervention activities. Development skills considered include: play, self-help, fine and gross motor skills, communication, cognition and socialization. We often work in cooperation with physiotherapists, occupational and speech therapists and psychologists. Each individual program is structured to encourage the optimal growth and development of each child.