Please post my question to the wall of the group :)
- Ana kont ha7gez m3 Mass (diva line) bs tele3 mesafer yom fara7y fa kont 3aiza as2al meen hair dressers tanyeen kowaieseen aw sho3'lohom zayo..w ya ret lw feh pages ashof sho3'lohom
- Tany 7aga bel nsba lel make up artist kont 3aiza as2al eza 7ad garab maha youssef w zeina el naggar..meen a7san? ana 3aiza make up msh mobala3' feh bs tb3an make up fara7 y3ny..lw feh 7ad te3rafoh sho3'lo keda brdo plz tell me
Thanks for your help :)