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Rock Rose Cottage

Recommendations & Reviews

  • C/- Scarsdale Post Office
    Scarsdale, VIC 3351 (map)

About us

I love creating things and experimenting with different media. I have drawn since I could hold a pencil. Being horse obsessed my early drawings were nearly all of horses. I have broadened my interests since then and now enjoy working in 3D as well as 2D.
My other love is the environment and everything in it. It is a fascinating, inspiring place. I enjoy many environments but prefer the one nature intended.
My goal is to have as little negative impact on the environment as possible and to this end I have begun working with Hebel for sculptures. Although traditionally a building product, it offers a sustainable alternative to stone and allows for a variety of finishes.

Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from June 7, 2015
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