5775 Charles Cannon Road Marion Station, MD21838(map)
About us
Hag - wise woman or fairy or goddess with woman attributes
Travel - to journey or traverse
Travel Hag - a wise journeying woman with goddess attributes
You're a travel hag if you are female, love to eat, have fun, go places, and tell stories. It helps if you're wholesome looking - maybe even plus sized - and don't look anything like women in today's fashion and health magazines. Travel hags are down to earth.
PRO-PHOTOGRAPHERS - I'm looking for a pro-photographer who specializes in outdoor landscapes who would do an outdoor workshop for the Travel Hags at Eastern Neck Wildlife Refuge in Kent County MD. A weekend day. We will pay (of course).
Mindie B. replied:
Okay, Geralyn. You are most welcome. Be sure to LIKE the Travel Hags Page http://facebook.com/travelhags and I'll be posting updates there about the dates.