Can anyone recommend a General Contractor for a small project? Includes insulating, sheet rocking, painting, laying down hardwood floors, lighting in a 10x16 space.
Does anybody know of contractor or somebody that can install a set of closet doors and cut down the door an inch or so?
Cynthia Q. replied:
I know a great guy that can help 🙋 Robert Dewan, he owns his own company and does remodeling and repairs | great guy to work with, we work with him| phn 707-529-1476 | | *take care
Dear Santa Rosa, we need a good plumber to install a tankless water heater. A professional who won't take us to the cleaners so to speak. Someone whom you would trust you kid to. Significant replumbing as new heater with will go outside and old heater was inside. A good referral gets a dinner on us.
Judy K. replied:
If you haveA Bosch I suggest 529 1476.
Looking for someone with experience and who knows how to do sheetrock repair, cabinet painting, window replacement and replace kitchen/bathroom counters.
Cindy M. replied:
For sheet rock repair, Dan Warren of United Sheet Rock (707-331-0925). We used him last year to get our house ready for the market. Great work. For the other it depends if you want a handyman or a contractor. If contractor, then Robert DeWan of Visionary Builders (707-529-1476. We refer a lot of business to him and everyone has been really happy with his work.