iso of painting company
$1 - O'Fallon, Missouri
1,421 sq ft located just outside of Wentzville on the border of Moscow mills.
Rooms needing paint:
Kitchen : 9'-0" x 14'-0" (balance beige)
Dining room: 8'-8" x 15'-6" (balance beige)
Living room: 13'-0" x 19'-5" (balance beige)
Master bedroom : 14'-0" x 13'-9" (light blue tray ceiling and balance beige)
Second bedroom : 9'-10" x 11'-8" (balance beige)
Third bedroom : 9'-10" x 11'-0"(balance beige
Also two bathrooms but do not have dimensions for those atm. Close date is May 24th and looking to have painted asap upon moving in!