We just got a puppy and we are wondering if anyone could recommend a vet in the neighborhood
Betsy C. replied:
I always drove to Horsham Vet because respect and love the owner, and rhead doctor, Dr. Joseph DiMauro. He used to work at Hopewel Vet Hospital and saved my dog's life, so when he opened his own hospital, I followed him. It took me about 25 Minutes, on Horsham Rd. 215-674-1738. However, Hopewell Vet is closer on Cedar Rd, just a few blocks past McKinley School, they have a good Reputation. Make sure to keep regular yearly doctor visits. Ask about ticks. I just was calling around pricing vet visits for a friend yesterday and Hopewell has the best prices. Always call Head for an appointment. Many people go there. Please arrange to get your sweet puppy, neutered and Microchipped when he or she is at the right age. All animals who are Microchipped, can be scanned at all vet hospitals, police stations and shelters if lost and immediately returned tho their owners. It is a tiny microchip about the size of a grain of rice injected bu a needle. They can do it when they neuter your dog. And please , . . . keep your dog on a leash, and keep the dog yard fence closed, train all friends and family too. It is tragic when a pet gets lost. Enjoy your puppy and above all, train him/ her with respect, voice, positive reinforcement, never hit. Sign up for a Puppy Kindergarten classes. Have fun!