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Beauty Within

Recommendations & Reviews

About us

Beauty Within offers affordable but profesional beauty treatments.
Waxing, Eyelash tinting, Manicures, Pedicures, Facials, Tanning
I have been doing beauty since 2003, up dating my training along the way. I have trained with the Dermal Institute gaining recognition as an elite skincare therapist.
I managed a tanning & beauty salon in Brighton where I specialised in St. Tropez tanning and Endermologie and the treatment of cellulite.
I am very passionate about my work and love what I do.
I try to keep my prices low so beauty is affordable to everyone.
Price list is located on page & in photos

Hours of operation

Monday10:00AM - 4:30PM
Thursday10:00AM - 6:30PM
Friday10:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday11:00AM - 4:00PM


2 recommendations and reviews from 1 person

    Recommendations from Asia R.

  • Referral from November 5, 2015
    Facebook reviewer avatar
    View full conversation on Facebook
  • Referral from June 26, 2015
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New Review
  • Beauty Salonx

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