Anyone knows a cheaper website for t molding than Since I live in Germany I also have to pay $27 for shipment of 40 foot chrome t molding 3/4. And the t molding costs ~$24. I think the t molding is actually cheap but the shipping kills it. Maybe you know a solution? Thanks in advance!
Does anyone know where I can find illuminated Tmolding?... I have searched EVERY group imaginable and cannot seem to find any posts about it... *
* Ends sarcasm font
Leslie T. replied:
There are no lighted t-molding available at a retail level but people are making there own very inexpensive. Translucent t-molding from and 1/4 inch EL Tape from eBay. The EL Wire does not lay flat and the light the wire produces is too focused. At the local arcades there are some newer games like Batman sit down game that have RGB t molding that look cool unless you are 3 inches from them .... then it looks cheap.