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The Union MMU

  • www.twitter.com/theunionmmu

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 21 Higher Cambridge Street
    Manchester, England M15 6AD (map)

About us

The Union’s Facebook pages exist for all 37,000 students at MMU to connect, share thoughts and ideas and catch up on all the latest news and events.

We welcome open, friendly and honest conversation and want everyone to feel comfortable in our online communities; that’s why we have House Rules. Please be respectful of the entire community by complying with them.

We reserve the right to remove comments that:

• Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others
• Are discriminatory, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable
• Contain language likely to offend such as swear words
• Could break the law or condone or encourage unlawful activity
• Advertise products or services for profit or gain
• Are seen to impersonate someone else
• Are considered likely to be false, fraudulent or misleading
• Include contact details such as phone numbers, postal or email addresses
• Are written in anything other than English
• Describe or encourage activities which could endanger the safety or well-being of others
• Are considered to be 'spam' (posts containing the same message posted multiple times)
• Are repeatedly off-topic for the blog, discussion or site to which you are posting

Please remember you must also comply with The Union’s Membership Code of Conduct and Facebook’s community standards.

We keep a close eye on all our digital spaces, but there are times when we won’t be there so if you see anything you feel is inappropriate please contact us on s.u.marketing@mmu.ac.uk.

We respect your right to voice your opinions and we know that things don’t always happen the way you want or expect. We welcome all feedback, so please feel free to contact us on s.u.marketing@mmu.ac.uk.

We’re there to answer questions on Facebook and Twitter on Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 17:00.
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Hours of operation

Monday8:00AM - 10:00PM
Tuesday8:00AM - 10:00PM
Wednesday8:00AM - 10:00PM
Thursday8:00AM - 10:00PM
Friday8:00AM - 10:00PM
Saturday10:00AM - 6:00PM
Sunday10:00AM - 6:00PM


Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from July 2, 2015
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