looking for local Boise, Idaho area association for family child care providers....They tell me there are 3 in Boise area, so how do I find them or get contact info? If not, can I start a local chapter in the Meridian,Id area?
The (. replied:
Hi Dionna, I have searched through all the contacts I have and can't find an active state or local association in Idaho. You can definitely start a local chapter. Can you email me your contact information at nafcc@nafcc.org and I'll see if we can find you a mentor to help? Thanks!
looking for someone who specializes in child care tax preparation . I live in Maine . any suggestions ???? thanks
The (. replied:
Hi Missy! Here is a link to a tax preparer search on NAFCC's website: http://www.nafcc.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=499&Itemid=831. Thank you!