Brynn asks: Any advice would be great. My two boys (2 1/2 and 10 months) both suffer from eczema. I'm over trying different lotions, washes and techniques for resolving the symptoms that only seem to be temporary fixes. I pursued allergy testing with a doctor that only tested for environmental allergies and then prescribed a regiment of baths, lotions, steroid creams and allergy meds (for the youngest who showed positive for almost all of the allergens) saying the eczema was probably genetic. All of that is fine except I don't want to medicate my kids unless it's absolutely necessary. He didn't feel the need to test for food allergies. I have a dairy sensitivity myself and my oldest was MSPI until he was about 1. Excluding dairy did not fix his skin issues. I guess I'm looking for recommendations of doctors willing to t test for everything to try to eliminate the cause instead of treat the symptoms. Or maybe just your personal stories. I'm sure it could just be genetic but couldn't my allergies that cause eczema be genetic too? TIA